#WED by Amb. Zara Jane Juan presents #WMO Nature Photography for United Nations WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION Weather · Climate · Water WMO 2023 Calendar Competition #WatchLearnShare


#WED presents WMO

Nature Photography for  United Nations
Weather · Climate · Water
WMO 2023 Calendar Competition


From WMO: "2023 is an important year for the World Meteorological Organization. We mark 150 years of international cooperation in weather and climate observations dating back to the establishment of the International Meteorological Organization in 1873.

The weather forecasts and apps we take for granted today result from all this historical collaboration and data exchange. Weather, climate, and water know no geographical or political borders.

In addition to celebrating all the real achievements in saving lives and livelihoods for the past 150 years, we will use activities in 2023 to look forward to the future of forecasting weather, water, and climate.

We, therefore, want the WMO 2023 Calendar Competition to be the biggest, best and brightest yet!

We are looking for high-quality and artistic photographs that capture the beauty and power of our natural environment and illustrate why the work of the WMO community is so important in protecting people from the forces of nature – and protecting our planet from the impact of human activities. We want photos that show why meteorology matters.

As a specialized agency of the United Nations, we are keen to encourage a geographical balance that represents all regions of the Earth.

Winning entries will feature in the printed WMO 2023 Calendar. They will be showcased on the WMO website and social media platforms and prominently in our 150th anniversary celebrations. We will also promote them among other U.N. agencies. There will be lots of recognition but no financial reward!

Since its launch in 2014, the WMO Calendar Competition has gained stature and recognition.

The United Nations regularly features your photos in its news stories and web pages. WMO’s website and social media channels also constantly promote our calendar entries." -WMO