TECH: Kuri bot (pictured) can can keep track of any smart appliances at home as well as greeting guests, and responding to voice commands
Home assistant robots
A new generation of small, friendly robots could be making their way into more homes this year. The Kuri bot (pictured) can can keep track of any smart appliances at home as well as greeting guests, and responding to voice commands, while LG's Hub Robot shows what robo-butlers might look like in a few years' time. (Mayfield Robotics)
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A new generation of small, friendly robots could be making their way into more homes this year. The Kuri bot (pictured) can can keep track of any smart appliances at home as well as greeting guests, and responding to voice commands, while LG's Hub Robot shows what robo-butlers might look like in a few years' time. (Mayfield Robotics)
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